Friday 26 February 2016


I have often asked myself ARE FRUIT-AND-NUT-BARS FATTENING?

I got the answer after searching more and more websites!

There are number of energy bars on the market containing only light ingredients, such as dried fruits, seeds, and nuts. People love them because they are easy to carry and serves them as a convenient snack too!

Dried fruit, seeds, and nuts are all nutrient-dense foods, but they're also calorie dense. So again the question arises, does this contribute to weight gain?
To find this out, Yale University researchers split 100 overweight men and women into two groups. Everyone ate their normal diet, but half of them were told to add two fruit-and-nut bars daily. After two months, despite the extra 340 calories a day, the fruit-and-nut bar group did not gain any weight! Actually, the reason behind it is that dried fruits and nuts appear so satiating that people feel full and unintentionally offset the calories elsewhere throughout the day.

So, people we can eat energy bars as a snack! Ofcourse, we must check their labels as many brands have added sugars.
Thank you readers, for reading! Hope to post some more healthy facts soon! Have a nice day!

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